BONUS EP01: The Power of Partnership

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In this episode, Rianka reflects on and celebrates the one-year anniversary of her financial planning firm, 2050 Wealth Partners, with her co-CEO Lazetta Rainey Braxton, and colleague Raquel Tennant. 

In this first episode of our 2021 History Makers Series, celebrating Black women during Black History Month, the team is reflecting on the power of partnership.

Black women are often conditioned to “go at it alone,” and although partnerships require commitment, vulnerability, compromise and communication, there are so many benefits to be had.

Rianka and Lazetta share the story of how they met and decided to merge their firms together, and how this journey has mimicked a second marriage for them. Raquel serves as special guest host and as an individual bordering the Millennial/Gen Z line, she shares how an emphasis on a diverse and inclusive workplace culture has shaped her career trajectory. 

Through personal adversity, and a professional commitment to bring their full selves to the workplace, the team explores the joys and challenges of their first year in business and the best practices that business owners can adopt in their own workplaces. 

What you’ll learn:

  • The challenges, and gifts, of entrepreneurship 

  • The importance of putting on your oxygen mask first

  • Understanding the challenges women face in business

  • Why effective business partners enter into covenant and commitments similar to marriage

  • The importance of “walking the walk” with employees

  • How 2050 Wealth Partners provides a holistic, and abundant, client experience

Show Notes:

Episode Transcript

Rianka (00:00:00): Lazetta, Raquel, welcome to 2050 TrailBlazers.

Lazetta (00:00:03): Oh, it is so good to be back. I am feeling all the power all ready.

Rianka (00:00:10): Yes.

Raquel (00:00:11): Hi Rianka, thank you for having me.

Rianka (00:00:13): Yes. Well welcome Raquel, and Lazetta welcome back. So today is a very, very, did I say very special episode of 2050 TrailBlazers because a couple of things are happening. One, we are kicking off our Black History Month History Maker Series and we, 2050 Wealth Partners, we are entering our one year anniversary. So for the month of February for Black History Month, this year, I want it to highlight all black women who are trailblazers, who are blazing a trail, making it better for the next generation and also current generation as well. We have some phenomenal women that will be joining us later this month. So I was thinking, of course, why not bring on Lazetta? My business partner, my co CEO. The other senior financial planner at 2050 Wealth Partners, and also my sister friend, and also Remi's auntie.

Lazetta (00:01:29): Absolutely.

Rianka (00:01:33): And then also we have a new team member, Raquel. She joined us in November, 2020 in the midst of a very busy season. And we, we knew we needed to hire, and it was really, God ordained that this hire happened. We want to talk about it. And the reason why I wanted us to kick off this History Maker Series is because I wanted to, and I'll give this credit to Lazetta. When we were talking about this, to talk about the power of partnership, the power of partnership and how as, Black women, we are trained to figure it out and do it on our own and Lazetta and I are here as an example that you don't have to do it by yourself. Here are our growing pains. Here are the conversations that we have behind closed doors. And also to kind of show you that you don't have to do it alone. And I brought on Raquel because she's been, although she's been a part of our family for a few short months, she is family. She has seen us with the scarves on. Okay. Lazetta, do you want to add anything else before I transition? And this is something new as well, because I am putting up my hosting hat and passing it to Raquel. So she can kind of like interview us and also share her insights on what she has witnessed over the power of our partnership. Lazetta do you have something to add before I turn over the mic?

Lazetta (00:03:26): Of course I do. If you want to hand the mic, why not receive it? Thank you, my sister. And you know I'm going to celebrate 2050 TrailBlazers the way that you have shined the light on so many trailblazers that you would say in the financial services profession, it's just been a phenomenal experience to partner with you on this journey to be invited. Again and again, thank you very much, to have these important conversations, we have gotten so much feedback from the ones that we have done together, and it's just been awesome that people can experience and to know firsthand, our stories. And hopefully it'll be inspiration for them as well too. And also thank you for making history, but I also like to say her story, as well too, since you are featuring Black women who are often overlooked, but doing a whole heck of a lot of work to advance, not only our profession, but this world as well too. So I know that this podcast is going to go global and I'm so excited that the next generation with Raquel is being captured as a part of this conversation. And cause she's a leader in her own, right? As well too.

Rianka (00:04:52): She is, she is. And, as I pass it to Raquel, you know, we joked about this. And, and we have another very strong team member, as well. Her name is Danielle. So we are all women at 2050 Wealth Partners. It was not by design, but that's how it happened. And it feels good. What do you think Lazetta?

Lazetta (00:05:19): You know, I've started thinking about Tony, Tony, Tony, it feels good.

Rianka (00:05:29): I don't know why you always get me to like singing, Hey, you know, I can't sing. You know that is not one of my talents.

Lazetta (00:05:35): But you're quick to do it though, which is hilarious.

Rianka (00:05:41): I am, and that is terrible.

Lazetta (00:05:42): It's good. Cause we're bringing our full selves, our true selves, so let's live into it.

Rianka (00:05:47): Yeah. And so I think that's a good transition to Raquel, like take it away.

Raquel (00:05:54): All right. Well thank you again for having me. As you both know, I am a true fan of 2050 TrailBlazers. So this is very, very special to me. And I'm just grateful to be here. I'm grateful to work with you ladies, be a part of the 2050 Wealth Partners family. And this is only the beginning.

Raquel (00:06:18): So Rianka and Lazetta, let's dive into it. Tell me how the merger happened.

Rianka (00:06:30): No, no, no. I'm laughing because it's like, I have my version and Lazetta has her version. So Lazetta, you go first.

Lazetta (00:06:39): I thought you were laughing because Raquel is all about the business. Which we love too. So let me get back in line.

Rianka (00:06:49): That too, right.

Lazetta (00:06:51): And we love that. So Rianka wants me to start, but I have to say that she was the one that had the vision and was the carrier of the vision and had to convince me that this was the right way to go. And I wasn't leery of the partnership based on what I thought Rianka could bring. I saw that, everybody can see what Rianka has done with, at the time, Your Greatest Contribution or impact within the profession. It was me, I had low self-esteem about what I could bring to the table and what challenges I was facing as a business owner.

Lazetta (00:07:34): I was just so accustomed to handling things on my own and didn't want to share my mistakes with anyone. And that's how I saw it. I didn't see about the things I had done well, I thought more of, maybe some of the things I didn't do as well, and who wants to take that on? So what Rianka was so wise to do was to invite me to a kind of mastermind together to share best practices, almost like a courting period. And in hindsight, I see it was a courting period, that she had it all planned out and mapped out. For me I just saw it as a sister who really cared, who wanted me to succeed. And, and that's what is our foundation that you have Rianka, supported me, wanted me to succeed and for me to have the confidence that those on the outside would see, but I didn't feel on the inside.

Rianka (00:08:40): And I can understand. And something I shared with you before that I'll share now is most of the time. And I think this was with everybody, but very true for you is because we are painting the picture. We can't see the picture in the frame and you were painting a picture that I saw that was very beautiful. And you couldn't see it. We focus on our thorns or something that you have said in the past, like our shadow side, right. And it's human nature for us to do that. And it goes twofold from the courting side, right? So one, yes, I want it to mastermind with you to see, you know, what are you doing? How can I support you? And, from a technology standpoint, from financial planning, from just whatever the case may be, and we both have said this too, like even in a mentor mentee relationship, I saw you as my mentor. You was like, uhn uhn, girlfriend, this goes both ways. And, but, when we first met, it was through a mutual colleague of ours and I loved what you were doing with Quad A.

Rianka (00:09:51): And so I just wanted to be a part of something much greater than me. And, that was Quad A at the time and still is. And, you invited me to, be on the conference committee, building out the conference and it was just, it was amazing. And I was just like, wow, if you can do this for a conference, imagine what you can do for a financial planning firm. And again now, as, as we fast forward and you know, now I see why you were probably so hesitant from what you've just shared, of course, like anybody. And as we started to undress from a business perspective together, what I knew what I was getting myself into, if that makes sense, like and it was okay, you know, cause it's so funny. I'm like we're married in business and it's true. And it's just like, I don't want just the pieces of you that are great in the world. See, like, I want all of you and we, and we're going to do this together because guess what we are better together.

Lazetta (00:10:59): So I think what is extremely important at this point for the audience to know is that when we, when we met, I actually, in addition to being President of Quad A, being very involved in the industry with the CFP Board, as well as with NAPFA, FPA, et cetera, in addition to running Financial Fountains, my firm, I also was working full time, at the TSP as, as a trainer, and in full disclosure, it was disclosed in my ADV and my clients knew as well too. And if you can only imagine in terms of capacity, all the things that I was doing, there was no possible way that I could be excellent in all those things. And that's who I am. I like to bring excellence to everything that I do. And it was, it was, it was a hard thing to even share with you.

Lazetta (00:11:59): And I'm glad for this opportunity for people to really know the challenges of entrepreneurship and also the gift of it as well, too, because I had to subsidize the dream to support my family. And thank goodness I was working with a population that was overlooked. You know, a lot of federal workers are middle income folks, who are trying to figure out what to do, not only with their TSP, because that's their investments, but also financial planning. And so the education aspect of it was so life-giving, even though I stayed exhausted, all the time, that motivated to serve underserved populations. And so you were brave to kinda take all this on, this crazy woman, who continuously overextended herself, for the greater good noting that now in hindsight, that I'm learning more about self care so that I can be a better force for change.

Raquel (00:13:14): Wow. Well, thank you for that background. I guess my next question is throughout this courting process, once you both decided, okay, it's happening, we are getting business married, we are going to become partners. What did that look like for each of you, and together? I know you had individual firms, respectively, and talk to me a little bit about that timeline and what it looked like.

Lazetta (00:13:50): Before we talk about the decision to merge. I want Rianka to share about her range of ideas about what she wanted to do, because remember Rianka at the time you were thinking about consulting work. So it wasn't that we just, all of a sudden decided, it was a journey.

Rianka (00:14:15): It was certainly a journey and Raquel, this is probably something you don't know either. Cause there's something that was disclosed on my ADV, but you know, not too many people knew about this for so long. I felt like I was stuck in a box working in corporate America. And so when I was allowed to spread my wings, and for the greater good, right, it was just like, I saw so much and I saw a need that I said, okay, as I'm slowly building my financial planning firm, I do have capacity to take on some consulting work. And so I, and looking back Lazetta, I don't know how I did it. Like I can not do that today, but, I would travel to New York. I think it was like Monday through Wednesday or Monday through Friday, I'll take the train at 4:00 AM.

Rianka (00:15:11): I will go up to New York, take the train back, you know, a few days later, stay at a hotel. So basically kind of like living out of a suitcase and consulting for a firm up there who wanted to bring on like next gen clients. And however, I didn't want to, because they weren't fee only, I did not want to, I guess, work with them because I grew up in the fee only world. And so that's where I live. And I think that's where I will always stay in the fee only world. And so while, no, I won't work for you. I can work with you. And so that was a piece. And then I was also a part of the Financial Planning Association Next Gen community. I was the National President at the time I launched my firm again, looking back, I don't know how I did both at the same time.

Rianka (00:16:12): I do not recommend it, because it's a lot. So yeah, it, I mean both Lazetta and I have a spirit of over-giving, over wanting to see better for our profession and we kind of have to put on our oxygen mask too. And we, I think now, you know, the power of partnership Lazetta I see us as a good balance. Like we check each other, in a good way of just saying like, Hey, all right. So if you say yes to this, what are you saying no to, and I appreciate that dialogue that I didn't have before. Right. Because it was just me. So I was like, okay, well, why not? Right. And now I have a partner, not only do I have a partner, we have, a business with employees that are counting on us. And let me tell you Raquel, I know we kind of jumping, but Raquel was a stretch higher for us as business owners. You know what I mean? Raquel was a stretch higher for us and I knew we would need to bring on more clients. I knew that we're going to be really busy, although we are like busy now. And I believed in Raquel, still believe in Raquel so much. And I want her story to be much different from Lazetta and I, that I was like Lazetta, we gonna find a way to hire Raquel. And so it's like, our purpose is now much bigger than us Lazetta. And I feel that in you too, and I don't know where I was going with this, but I feel I just get so excited knowing like the type of firm that we're building.

Lazetta (00:17:54): And, and I want to pick up what you were saying that it would be different, for us, right. So as we were thinking about our, our capacity and where to focus our energy, there's a part because I'm in my compliance hat world now about business activities. So while we have the capacity, well, let me put it this while we are very competent and able and experienced to do a multitude of things. We have, the two of us, are holding each other accountable for what it is that God has us doing in a concentrated way. And so I'm going to speak for me. I had to label it. I had to call it sobriety from busy-ness right. Which is the journey that, you know, I've been on and also have shared with the team so that each of you have permission and all of us as a part of our culture can hold each other accountable so that we don't overextend ourselves and we don't burn out.

Lazetta (00:18:58): And so what we're hoping, even as we do this entrepreneurial venture is for those just like Raquel, who has so many gifts and will have so many opportunities that we want to help nurture with wisdom, not suffocate at all. And that she doesn't have to fight like we've had to fight to create our own space. And for the, those who have come before us and even our ancestors as well to have fought just for, the simple things are not even so simple anymore in terms of voting rights and being able to get capital and being able to be entrepreneurs, without feeling like someone's going to try to close down your business, being able to speak publicly about diversity, equity, and inclusion. So it's just beautiful in terms of taking that energy and concentrating it in a way that invests in others. That includes economic opportunity.

Rianka (00:20:02): So Raquel, going back to your question. Sorry we went off on a tangent there, but it was a good tangent.

Raquel (00:20:09): Yes it was.

Rianka (00:20:09): You mentioned the timeline of like, when we both acknowledge, okay, we're ready to get married. So I'll share with you. Both of us are married, Lazetta, you've been married for how many years now?

Lazetta (00:20:25): 23.

Rianka (00:20:27): 23.

Lazetta (00:20:27):

  1. The previous century as our daughter would say,

Rianka (00:20:37): No, she didn't

Lazetta (00:20:41): Yes. That's Karis Braxton.

Rianka (00:20:44): We need to get Karis on one of these too. So, and I've been married for 10 years and although yes, Lazetta and I, from a business standpoint, have a business marriage. Our spouses were also involved in the conversation as well, because what we do impacts our household. And I think that can be a separate conversation about like, you know, marriage and finances. And, but I do want to make that distinction that this wasn't something that we went in blindly, because we knew building a business impacts our family, and our family's income, our families, ability to build wealth. And so we want it to both make sure that we were, we were in it for the long haul and there, you know, and we got each other's back, both of our families know each other. And so, so yeah, I just, it feels it felt, it felt good and it still feels great from, I think it was December, 2018 where I think Lazetta was just like, okay, okay. Okay. And so now that she's disclosed that, you know,

Lazetta (00:22:01): Let's rewind, not December, because remember we moved here in September. So actually it was, it was September.

Lazetta (00:22:12): No, oh, when we decided to merge.

Rianka (00:22:17): Well, we decided to merge. So Raquel was just like, when did the flip the, what is it called?

Lazetta (00:22:26): You know, when we flip the switch, but this is so funny about us acting like a couple, because it's always one that remembers the date and the other one's like uhhh.

Rianka (00:22:40): Right.

Lazetta (00:22:40): Right, I don't think so, but you were like, yeah honey it was.

Rianka (00:22:40): So it was December, 2018. I remember it right, because I was at a crossroads in my life where again, like so many gifts and what do I do with them? I knew that when I created Your Greatest Contribution, my former financial planning firm, I never wanted to build a firm by myself. And from a sanity and mental standpoint, I had to leave corporate America. And so, although I initially started by myself, I didn't name my firm after me because I saw something much bigger. And so in December, 2018, I met with my business consultant and I was like, listen, here, here's what's happening. Right. There was some firms that wanted to merge with me. There were some firms who wanted to buy me. There were some firms who wanted to acquire. And I thought about my clients and, what we mean by we're building something different is my, I have clients from all different backgrounds, different ethnicities, different cultures.

Rianka (00:23:52): And with that brings a difference in personal finance that's just not vanilla. And there was no firm that I was chatting with that I felt could serve my clients better than me. So I was just like, now I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm not, I'm not gonna let my clients go. So I was having this conversation with Lazetta and then Lazetta was just like, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm like, what you talkin' about, she was like, okay, I'm ready. I said, ready for what? Right. I want to make sure we're seeing eye to eye. I was like, what are we ready for? She was like, I'm ready to merge. I was like, what? I remember this, I was walking down the steps. I almost did like a, I actually did like a little church, little praise break. I just needed me a church band. I was just like clapping with it too.

Rianka (00:24:52): And that's how it happened. And so, and then 2019, we took the entire year of 2019 to build. And we met together as a team at that time. It was just Lazetta, Danielle and me. And I remember this, like it was yesterday, so we were, you know, just a virtual meeting. And then we came together physically in July, 2019, we had conversations of just like, okay. Business, business, business. Right. And then it was just like, Oh, so let's talk personal. You know, we had, this was after five. So we opened up a glass of something Lazetta, do you know what it was? It was so good.

Lazetta (00:25:30): I can't remember, but it's probably a good thing. Cause I would probably have several bottles.

Rianka (00:25:36): We opened up something and I was just like, you know what? Yeah, starting a family came up. Right. I was like, you know, Reggie and I, we've talked about it. And I think we're at a point in time in life where whatever happens, happens, now, something else people don't know in 2019, a close friend of mine and my hairstylist passed away in April, 2019 and she passed away. And she was pregnant. And, that is a whole nother story about believing Black women when they say they don't feel well. And advocating for yourself, I feel like we can have a whole nother podcast about that, Lazetta, but, a podcast episode about that. But she passed away and that was an eye opener for me that though, yes, we're in our thirties and she was in her early thirties. Life is not infinite. The next month my husband got in a very bad car accident. The car was totaled, the back was smashed in and he calls me and he literally just left the house.

Rianka (00:26:53): He calls me and says, babe, I've been in an accident. The car was totaled. I'm like, what? Hello? Where are you? Where are you in? Then he told me a couple exits from the house and then the call got disconnected and I'm like, Oh, hold on. I call him back. He's not picking up. So of course I run out of the house, drive, I see the car and I break down and I'm just like, where is my husband? Cause he was not in that car who, and seeing that car life flash before me of just like, we didn't have an opportunity to build, and I'm crying just thinking about it because it was just, it was so hard to know that my partner, my best friend would be gone and just having to let my friend go the month before. And so God, I think was just telling me like, life is precious, and life is precious.

Rianka (00:27:56): And then I seen it was a truck that hit him. And so I walk around the truck and then I see him standing. And so people who knows my husband knows he's, he's very strong. And I think him working out, going to the gym, saved his life, because the impact, I don't know how he survived it, but he did. And I thank God that he was able to walk away from it. And I was like, okay, I'm not playing around anymore. And whatever happens, happens. And literally, so that was May and then literally in July the next day. So we met as a team one weekend and literally that Monday I found out I was pregnant.

Rianka (00:28:38): And I told Lazetta, and Lazetta was so excited. And in my head I'm like, I'm, I just kind of married you. And now I'm bringing in yet another variable to this partnership and you still accepted me. Right. And I think that's what we go through as women being business owners and starting a family. I've had numerous conversations with pregnant women who are in financial services, who are business owners asking, how did we do it? Which I hope we'll get a chance to get to today. But, yeah. And you were just like, girl, I'm so excited. In my head, of course the planner I'm like, Oh my gosh, like, I'm gonna have to take time off. It'll be probably like, you know, when are we launching? Are we gonna have coverage? You know, how long is my maternity leave? And you were just like girl, we are going to figure it out. And we did Lazetta and I cannot thank you enough for just giving the grace that I definitely needed over maternity leave, when, when Remington was born, but that was, that was July. And then we launched, there was a lot that happened in between time, in the meantime, which Lazetta you can fill in the blanks and that's what we do as a marriage. You fill in the blanks. And then we launched live, made it public, February 2020.

Lazetta (00:30:09): So I want to pause because I know Raquel is getting a lot of new data points that she didn't know, being a part of our team. So what are your thoughts right now, before we continue on with, you know, just between, Oh, we're pregnant to launching. So what are your thoughts right now, Raquel?

Raquel (00:30:37): So for starters, I did not realize how hard of a year, Rianka experienced before she found out. So, I'm so sorry, you had to go through that loss and also the scare, with Reggie and I guess from an outside point of view, looking in, I didn't realize how long both of you had been kind of sorting, kind of, sort of plotting on this. And, I said in the beginning, I'm a true 2050 TrailBlazers fan because I am, and I remember a few episodes where you had Lazetta as a guest, I'm thinking, wait, are these ladies like, one firm or two firms, because at the time you guys were separate, but I had already knew that you guys came together. And so I'm like, now that I'm hearing these data points, I'm like, Oh wait, y'all were talking about this.

Raquel (00:31:40): Even if this episode or y'all talking about this during this time. And so I guess, it just sounds like it was destined to be, it sounds like no matter what Lazetta felt at the moment, with what she was going through and timelines and pregnancies, it was meant to be for you guys to come together and build 2050 Wealth Partners. And I'm so grateful that you did because I don't know any firm like it. And I think that's the point of it is to build something that's completely new and changing the narrative of Black people, Black women in this industry. And so hearing this backstory, I'm like, wow, this is what was going on behind closed doors. Like from the beginning, the partnerships seemed very solid.

Rianka (00:32:33): Yes, and I think it was because we built, we first built a friendship and we've had a lot of tough conversations as friends, holding each other accountable. And so I guess, yeah, the next step was for us to just come together.

Lazetta (00:32:54): Yeah, destiny, you, you said it. God ordained, it's been said, and it's so true. It's so very true. And we also want something different from what we experienced. I remember when I was pregnant with Karis, my work experience was very hostile. I had Braxton Hicks, Karis was born two and a half weeks early. Thank goodness she was a healthy baby, but I was stressed to no end. And really didn't feel supported. And who would I be to create the same environment? And I wouldn't, I promised myself, and this is what Rianka has said too, that we are doing something different. And when we have to act that out, we can't just talk about it. We can't just write about it. We got to do, we got, as the hashtag, I often say doing the work. And so when she was talking about, you know, wanting to get pregnant and, we're family, we're sisters.

Lazetta (00:33:58): So I was like, okay, we got a new worker. When Remington comes of age, he's going to set up his Roth IRA, like Karis, and Karis is like, well, I want to welcome them in, you know, along with, Danielle son Thaddeus, because we are family, we are family, we don't compartmentalize saying this is personal, this is professional. No, this is us. This is us. And, we love us and we are on the same page. We were on the same accord. We made a covenant with one another. And that's why we involved our husbands as well, too, because we're so interconnected in what we do. And so when, and I'm sure you'll tell your story too. So when it came time for Rianka when she got pregnant and then that's why I got confused. Cause when you said you were pregnant, then I was like, okay, we're moving.

Lazetta (00:34:55): And I was still working full time, so I was like ok I got to share that, I'm going to do this again. I'm going to launch, which was the second time I've done this in my marriage. The first time was a little challenging the second time. I'm like, okay, I gotta do this a second time. I'm gonna do this a second time. And Rianka was like, okay, okay. We just need six months. I mean, give us until June, give us into June. So you know, the conversation with the partners and saying, okay, we got a plan work with us. And so, you know, I did the leap with the move and then Rianka had to go on bedrest because Remington was ready to come out and run and play, which he is doing now. He is so fast, and so smart. That all makes sense. Right? It's a reality that has to go on bed rest early.

Lazetta (00:35:47): Still working, but not as much. And I'm like, slow down, slow down. We got this, we got this. So that was January and then.

Rianka (00:35:56): January 2020, yes,

Lazetta (00:35:59): January 2020. Right. So we were still working on getting registered approved. We got their approval notice the end of January and then launch in February. And it was a big splash. We were doing marketing right ahead of time and had our rollout and our website. I mean, Hey Mrs. CMO, Madam Chief Marketing Officer, with the launch, you know, while she was, you know, hanging in there, with Remington who was like, okay, I love you mommy, but I'm ready to run, I'm ready to do this thing called life.

Lazetta (00:36:40): And, and then March happened with COVID and COVID popped off the same week, it was Rianka's last week, internally. So it was like, wow. And I'm sitting there like thinking, Oh my goodness, Remington is coming into this world during COVID. So, you know, Rianka we were having all these conversations, making sure she's okay, I'm in New York, she's in Maryland. I'm like, okay, I need everybody's phone number and everything. As well. And so, you know, thank goodness Remington came in healthy. But you know, in terms of caregiving, I'll let Rianka tell her own story there, but then Danielle and I were like, okay, it's on girl. It is on. So all of a sudden, now we have, you know, almost 50 households who are just like us trying to figure out how do you pivot with COVID? What does this mean for our jobs, for, not being able to work because we don't have childcare, our kids coming out and our health. And what about the new laws and getting to know it was, it was full court press, but like you said, Raquel, the commitment was already there. The covenant was already there, through health and sickness, right. These vows we made and we were like, we were sticking with them and communicating along the way, but even more just loving each other along the way too.

Raquel (00:38:08): Now that we've talked about how it started, maybe we can transition to how it's going. What is 2050 Wealth Partners doing currently? Like what is the outlook for the rest of this year? Because we came full circle, 12 calendar months. Talk about, where we stand, where you see us going as a firm.

Rianka (00:38:38): I think first, before we get there, you're missing a really big part of the 12 months

Raquel (00:38:51): Right, ok, ok.

Rianka (00:38:51): You are right where you belong, with us.

Rianka (00:38:58): Yeah. So, I mean, we have to kind of talk about that too. And Raquel, you know, you can talk as openly or not about your story because it's your story. Right. We know what happened and we know. So, so yeah, so I'll just say actually, go ahead, Raquel, you got it.

Lazetta (00:39:19): Let me, let me get a framework. Cause you know, always like a little framework, what we missed out Rianka is that we did hire, right. So we, you had hired Danielle, and then I got introduced to Danielle when I was still with Financial Fountains and then we worked together and we're like, okay, we're ready to grow. And so you had mapped out the kind of the next hire because of your experience as a financial planning student who had an internship at financial planning firms, which I didn't have any exposure to. And so you knew the career paths and you knew what we needed to grow our firm. And so you, you did, you recommended, you're like, I think we should have both, a financial planner and associate financial planner and I'm like, let's do it. And so we put that you, put the job description, we put it out together. And we were able to hire both positions, not at the same time we hired the financial planner first with the vision of the financial planner, training, the associate financial planner. But we had identified that person. We just said, you're going to have to start later.

Rianka (00:40:27): Right. And this was June, 2019. So there was a lot of work on the back end that still a lot of people don't know that we were doing as we were building. So in tandem with running our practice, we were building 2050 Wealth Partners together.

Lazetta (00:40:41): Yes. And so, you know, we hired a person, that didn't work out in the initial period, which was very disheartened because, you know, we had the plan, we were planners. We were like, okay, we have the person we're like, we know this is the profile of what we need, figuring out if that was the right person. And it wasn't the performance, wasn't there, the conversations wasn't there. And that person ended up going on to doing that person's own thing. But it's like dog gone it. Cause that was the Fall. Right. By then we knew, you were far along your pregnancy, in terms of the support that we needed to bring these clients together, the infrastructure together. So it was like, Whoa, this was a blow. But we had already promised to the associate financial planner to start in January of 2020. Right. And then you were going to be the primary trainer just because you have lived and breathed financial planning your entire career. And so I felt confident and assured because it was your experience. Right. And you knew exactly what to do and had mapped out the training. And so then Remington decided he just wanted to just have a fun time and your body.

Lazetta (00:42:02): Right. And so, you know, in terms of energy levels and capacity started to change. And so I'm still kind of onboarding tech wise. And that's why I admire you so much as a millennial, me as a gen X-er I love technology, but it changed so much during my career as a financial planner. And I switched to a different platform for our financial planning software. So I was onboarding as well too. So I'm like how I'm going to train her when I'm still trying to train myself as well, too. And so she hung in there for three months and we both were like, she in her first experience should have something that is more stable, coming right out. Right. Your first experience in your first impression is so instrumental for your foundation. So we helped her launch and go to another employer, but the work was still there, but the people were not, the team was not there. So, you know, Danielle and I just kind of did the full court press and was like, okay, we know we need more help. And the two that we mentioned at the time were, part-time and contractors. So that's an important thing to know as well, too, that we hadn't had a full time. And even Danielle too was part-time. So everybody was part-time except for us as partners who were full-time. So I had to give that framework and backstory before Raquel shares her story.

Rianka (00:43:37): Yes. So Raquel will probably talk about how we gave her the business. So, yeah. And I think a little bit more framework. Yeah, so the pandemic happened March, 2020. I gave birth. I went on maternity leave. I was slowly coming back in August. We were really busy. We had a priority list up, as far as, pretty much like a waitlist for clients. We were starting to bring on more clients and I was just like, we need to hire Lazetta, I don't know what it's going to look like. Lazetta calls me to manifestor, and how, if we say something somehow I manifest and it comes, but Lazetta, I have to give you all of the credit in manifesting this hire, Raquel.

Raquel (00:44:27): I guess I can start with a little bit of background, for the audience. I am a Towson University alum, go tigers, and I'm one of the 12 students, the first 12 students to graduate from Towson's financial planning major and out of this inaugural class of graduates. I was also the first to pass the CFP exam. And so I started out, just in the regular business finance major before this major was created in my sophomore year. And so when I transitioned, I started looking for just career opportunities in terms of where do CFPs actually work? Because at the time I was at Wells Fargo getting some finance experience, but I could tell that, that finance wasn't the finance I was learning in school. And so I'm like, okay, let me research where CFPs work. And that's when I came across terms like broker dealer, RIA, fee only, all that good stuff.

Raquel (00:45:33): And so I knew right away, I wanted to go the fee-only route. And so I got my first internship at a fee-only RIA firm in Towson, and it was perfect. I'm like finally I get to actually do something more applicable to what I'm learning in school. But after a semester of working there, I quickly found that the culture wasn't really going to be a great fit. So I started looking elsewhere for post-grad opportunities. And that's when I transitioned to my first big girl full-time job at an RIA firm in Columbia. And that's when I really got to experience financial planning, sat in on client meetings, you know, attended some networking events. I was lucky enough to have a really great mentor who also happened to be my boss at the time. So she was very avid about getting me in the door.

Raquel (00:46:31): She was actually part of the reason I accepted because she was a woman in the C-suite and we were the only two female advisors in the whole firm. And so after working there for a few months, I started studying for my CFP in late August. And then I took the exam and passed on my first time in November. And you both know that was a weight off of my shoulders because that test is no joke, for those who aren't CPPs. So to be able to just pass on my first time, get it over with, and only have to worry about fulfilling my experience hours. I was now able to really focus on just working, and so fast forward we're in 2020 and the year of surprises. Like most people, I did not expect any of the chain of events I experienced my first market downturn.

Raquel (00:47:37): Everyone got sent home. Black Lives Matter protests were happening. And then internally at my firm, people were quitting. So one of my very good colleagues and mentors, he quit after six years. And that was hard for me because he was advocating for a sub-service to start catering to second generation clients. And then a month later, my CEO quit after 16 years of service. And so losing two mentors, especially one being the CEO, was like the curtain being pulled back. And I started to realize certain values of the firm, the direction they were going in. And at the same time, I started thinking about my own contributions to the industry and who I wanted to be as an advisor. And before my CEO quit, during the Black Lives Matter protests, I had spoke out against the partners who decided not to issue a statement on what was going on.

Raquel (00:48:40): And I'm very grateful to have had a boss that was receptive to the feedback because I was the only employee of color at the time. And this open dialect not only led her to make a statement, but she also donated on behalf of the firm to Quad A which at the time, I had no idea who Lazetta was, I had no idea she was the President. I just knew that not saying something was wrong and I felt in my spirit to say something, and it also kind of showed that I had an ally in her. So all this to say, when she quit, it was devastating. But we still stayed in contact, met regularly. And before she left, she told me that she knew a woman who was doing great things in our industry. And she thought she would be a good connection for me, since I was a young woman of color, I had an interest in working with young clients and she said, you know, I can introduce you if you want. And of course that woman was the one, the only, Lazetta Rainey Braxton.

Rianka (00:49:49): And the crowd went wild.

Raquel (00:49:54): Talk about full circle, and I'm like, okay, after a month or so, the introduction to Lazetta finally happened in August. And then I got on her calendar a month out in September because this lady is very busy in real life.

Raquel (00:50:12): But this was perfect for me because it gave me time to prepare. And so I did my research. It led me to her articles, her interviews, and of course her podcast features and that's 2050 TrailBlazers comes in. The first episode that I listened to on this podcast was the, your questions answered. And it was like an aha moment because they were telling me how to ask for mentorship. They were telling me how to be intentional. You guys were telling me everything that I've ever thought about or wanted to know was kind of in one place. And so this podcast is also what led me to want to look into Rianka like, who is this host, who is this lady? And how does she know Lazetta? And how can I know these people?

Raquel (00:51:05): So after researching Rianka, that's when I realized we had a lot of parallels. We both did CFP programs in college. We both worked for fee-only firms, right out of school. We're both millennials. And so in doing my research, I started coming across 2050 Wealth Partners. And at first I'm like, okay, this is clearly different than 2050 TB. So what is this thing? And that's when I realized, Oh, they're one firm like, okay. And so I started putting the pieces together because as you know, the, all the previous episodes on this podcast, you guys were still separate firms. And so I had to put the timeline together in my own little head of like, okay, now I'm getting it. So at this point I was looking through the whole website, combing through it. The Partner with Us page, I thought maybe I could get a little employment resume in there. But no partner with us meant clients.

Rianka (00:52:09): That's a new data point.

Raquel (00:52:14): You know what, like, it's fine. These women don't know me. It's just a pipe dream, but I'm still pumped for this meeting. And so I had all my notes, all my questions for Lazetta, I wanted to let her know I was serious. I meant business. I worded how I was going to ask for a little bit of her time if she had, she could give it to me. I was just prepared and fast forward to our call after telling her a little bit of my story and kind of where I was in my career. She stopped and said something along the lines of like, are you open to other opportunities? Like, we may have something here. Let me see if I can get you on Rianka's calendar. And I'm like, what?

Raquel (00:52:56): And so, I think I remember saying something like, yeah, I'm open to the opportunity, where really, it was like, I would love the opportunity. Like girl, I love y'all. I had to play it cool. I was like, I'm open, I'm open. I remember feeling so caught off guard because I didn't even get to ask my prepared questions or get to any of that. It was like, the conversation was so candid and so fluid, and it was truly God that was telling her and telling me like, this is where you need to be. And thinking back on it, I just wanted to talk. I just wanted a conversation. Never did I think a job opportunity was going to come out of this. And so we worked out the details. And let me tell you, first of all.

Rianka (00:53:55): Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let me pause. Well, not pause, like interject real quick. And so when Lazetta messaged, so I think as Lazetta was on the phone with you, she messaged me. She was like, we need to hire Raquel. And I was like, or something like that. And I was just like, cause I knew she had a meeting on the calendar with someone named Raquel. I didn't know what it was for, but it was a call. And I was just like, I'll give you deets later. And I was like, I'm intrigued. And you know Lazetta, she has to have her like wind down time and I respect her for that. And I don't like to intrude in her time, kind of like marriage, right? You come into the house from after work. Let me take my socks off. Like I ain't even let her take her socks off. I was like Lazetta, so what happened?

Rianka (00:54:50): What you talking about, we need to hire Raquel, what happened. She was like, girl, you need to meet with her. She the one. And I was just like, alright, and so then after I, so boom, fast forward, Raquel's on my calendar. I meet with her like a week later. And I'm like, Lazetta, as I'm talking to Raquel, I'm like, yeah, we need to figure this out. And so Raquel fast forward, boom. Back to you, we have a group chat and I think this is where you were going to pick up.

Raquel (00:55:23): Yes. And so I remember, during my meeting with you, I was kind of just telling you a little about, a little bit about my backstory. And then you were like, well, you know, we kind of do 1099s and we don't know what salary we can pay you. Like you were just kind of giving me very vague abstract at the moment. And I remember thinking like, but I love y'all like, you have to hire me now.

Lazetta (00:55:53): She had her CFO hat on, mind you.

Rianka (00:55:55): Definitely.

Raquel (00:55:59): You know, a data point I wasn't aware of at the time was the two previous hires or hire-to-be's. And I could tell there was some scar tissue and some, some slight PTSD of like, we don't want to jump too quick because we've already experienced a little bit of disappointment in this, in this area. And so, I think when I got off the phone with you, I remember sending a very detailed email, just like, okay, I'm willing to work with y'all. If y'all can work with me, I really just want to be W2 because if you guys have been following my story, I just came out of college a year or two ago. So I've never been 1099, I don't know what that life is about. I really just wanted to be W2, have a salary, just kind of the normal. And we can work out the rest of the details later. And I remember sending this long email and thinking, what did they think I'm crazy. And then I was like, well, if they think I'm crazy, it's not for me. But little did I know you guys were looking at the email like, Oh, she's serious. She means business. And I sure did. And so we worked out everything, everything got worked out perfectly and now I'm here. And, and even in my hiring, you guys, what do you call it, Rianka, under promise and over deliver.

Rianka (00:57:27): Yeah, so what happened was, and yeah, now Raquel, after she got onboarded, she figured out why we were giving her like the nine rounds before bringing her on as a W2. Because, yeah, that, as again, as business owners know, bringing it on a W2 employee with benefits, it's just a lot of work and we have PTSD from previous hires. And so 1099 is just easier. Right. Because it's just like, okay, if this doesn't work out, we didn't change our entire structure to bring on, you know, an employee. And so, now I think Raquel can see like why it was kind of like, not hard to come on, but, but also, and I think this is what you were talking about too Raquel was that I was like, Raquel, I don't know if you're going to sit in meetings. I don't know the timeframe. What else I say, because I was just, I just didn't know.

Lazetta (00:58:29): And this is the other thing too, in terms of our budget, right. We had a, we had a clear budget about what we said that we could do. Right. And then Raquel was like, well, this is what I need for you to do. And we're like, okay, we've got to crunch some numbers. You said this earlier, Rianka. It's like, well, what does this mean? If she's supposed to be a part of our family and our assignment, then we're like, okay, God, you gonna have to show up. You know, you're going to have to be clear on this faith walk that we are embarking upon. And this the other piece we, we, we knew that we had the clients that were on the waitlist. Cause when we made the launch back in February, we indicated that we were not accepting new clients until August. Right. So we had a backlog of what, over 150 prospects, a lot of them were tight.

Lazetta (00:59:23): So it wasn't like, we didn't think the money was there. It was like, how will we unleash this? When we got to train, you are just coming back from maternity leave. Just the sheer exhaustion and timing. Right. So we were like, okay, we knew we were going to hire a financial planner. We didn't know when, we know we needed it. And we also knew that we had to work our list right, as a part of our growth plan. And so when we were having this conversation both about, is this the one because energy wise, that was, there was just a lot, the PTSD, right? Saying goodbye is not easy. We're in it for the long haul. And we didn't have the time to court. Right? You and I, Rianka, had the time to court, get to know one another and we didn't with our previous hires.

Lazetta (01:00:15): And like, here we go again, we feel like Raquel is right, and the right connection, but it happened fast. And this fast was just the confirmation that as a part of our readiness to say, okay, God, whoever you send in terms of the assignment, we're going to take it seriously. And that's what we said to you, Raquel, you know, you share with us what you need and we're going to tell you what we can really do, full transparency and open communication and consistent communication and that whatever happens, we want the best. And that's what we said for our previous two hires, whatever happens to you, we still want the best for you. So we thank you, you know, for absorbing from us, our own challenges, any emotional space in terms of expanding the family. And you took that on as well too. So we see this in terms of the power of partnership. That's why we're 2050 Wealth Partners. And so happy to have you as a part of our team, because there obviously are some sacrifices that you're making as well too, to be a part of this movement.

Raquel (01:01:27): Yeah. And I remember you telling me very early on that you got to have some skin in the game. And I remember being so confident that this is where I needed to be. I'm like, look, if y'all are willing to work with me, I will work with y'all. And we will do this thing together because when I came across what you guys were doing, I'm like, there's literally no one else that is doing this. And it was kind of like everything that I loved. I mean, from the clientele you were working with to being women in CS C-suites and high powered positions to being women of color, diversity and equity and inclusion, it was like, everything was in one place. And I'm like, okay, this is not by accident. You know? And I wasn't gonna let this opportunity pass me by because of fear. I knew that you guys are divine God-fearing women.

Raquel (01:02:29): And I knew that I was put in your realms for a reason and vice versa, because even the way our introduction happened, you know, in hindsight, if, when my former CEO told me that she wanted to introduce me to you had she done it in that moment and you responded right away, you wouldn't have had capacity to bring me on, Rianka wasn't even back yet. So the fact that you were so busy and it got pushed out and the communication, however, it happened divinely and perfectly because Rianka had just came back, you guys were able to talk and you guys knew that, okay, going forward, we're going to need some help. And I just kind of fell into your lap, and I'm like, look, I'm ready to help. I'm ready. I'm ready.

Raquel (01:03:22): You know, I think it's just the partnership aspect, I've seen firsthand that you guys are a true partnership, in every aspect of the word from communicating about firm stuff, but also personal stuff. I mean, the firm that you guys are building it doesn't just say that we care about transparency. It doesn't just say that we want you to bring your full self. It actually includes it in our day-to-day lives. We have discussions, we have huddles, we have check-ins, mental health and everything. And I felt like part of me is like, is this too good to be true? And then part of me was like, no, this is just a different culture. And this is what they're building and you're just gonna see it from the ground up. And so I'm really grateful to be here.

Rianka (01:04:18): And we are so grateful to have you. And as I shared earlier about you being a stretch, hire for us, and it bringing you on and then also bringing Danielle on full-time because she's now full-time with us as well, both Lazetta and I, so can we build a business? Yeah. If it's just her and I, can we build it sure, right. Can we make money sure, right. Bring on more clients, more money. Right. And it's more money in our pocket. However, we're just like, no, like we want to build this firm so that we're building capital, so that we can not only build, help our clients build the life and legacy they deserve, but also for our employees as well. And so just like you said, Raquel, the articles that we write outside of personal finance, but when we talk about diversity, equity and inclusion, the great article that Lazetta just published about, emotional intelligence, the EQ, with the things that I talk about as far as cultural competency and personal finance, looking at personal finance through a cultural lens, like we live that as well in our firm.

Rianka (01:05:38): And after hearing just your short stint in the financial services world, specifically the financial planning profession, I was like, Lazetta, her story has to be different. Like her story can not be our story. And so we wanted you to have a different path so that when you tell your story 10 years from now, or even now, right, it's just much different, you can't relate to our story and that's what we want. We don't want you to relate to our story. We don't want you to relate to clients saying something about your hair or your bright nail polish or, when we say we want to bring your full self to 2050 Wealth Partners, we, we don't just say that, we mean it.

Raquel (01:06:31): Yes. And it has shown.

Lazetta (01:06:35): And what's also so powerful for me is that, and I know Raquel, you say millennial and you're close to gen Z. You have all rights to claim what generation you're in. And so just in terms of I'll use in terms of decades, right? So we have the twenties, the thirties and the forties. I'll put it that way, our firm, and that succession planning is already in place, right? There is no hierarchy. There is teamwork. And so Raquel what we said to you as well too, is that your voice matters. And when there are opportunities and you say, okay, I have this suggestion, how many things have we implemented? Because you suggested, we depend on you, right, to bring your perspective, your experience, your insight, your creativity, we value that. And that's what makes my heart really sing is that we've not only in terms of trying to be hospitable and inviting and giving space and honoring the generations. So there's not that hierarchy as well, too.

Rianka (01:07:55): So my question for you, Raquel is, and this is what I challenge to people, as well, it's like, if you're going to talk it, you better walk it. And so with what we've shared, are we walking the walk?

Raquel (01:08:09): Yes. Definitely. And I remember, even thinking to myself, like, what is it going to be like working here because of everything that you guys do in the industry and what you stand for? I'm like I can only imagine how they're going to incorporate this into the firm. And so to be able to witness that firsthand, it's been, just culture shocking, because I've been in a firm where, while it was small, like how our firm is small, you know, I was the only person of color and there were certain differences. Things like staying true to yourself, and bringing your full self, that's something you guys really do stand on. And there's so much cultural sensitivity that happens at work. I think when it comes to transparency and open communication, a lot of people in firms say that we want everyone to be open and honest and, but they don't really mean it.

Raquel (01:09:20): They only want you to be open and honest when it's going to affect the business or when it's going to affect them. But here you guys truly check in on us in our personal lives because you guys know one way or another, it's going to show up in work anyway. And so I feel like the level of care that you guys give to Danielle and I, it's so genuine. And it's so different to the point where I'm probably going to be spoiled in my career because it's like, Hey, this is like, your bosses could never,

Raquel (01:09:59): You know, another thing that I really admire about working here is how strategic you both are and everything. And so when it comes to planning, when it comes to any marketing efforts, when it comes to just anything that we do, you guys are always thinking three steps ahead. You guys are thinking about how it affects everyone, not just you two as the owners, you guys are thinking about how am I representing the firm? How am I representing everyone as a collective? It's just very inclusive here. And, yeah, you guys are walking the walk, so kudos to you.

Lazetta (01:10:42): I'm not going to cry, but I'm crying.

Rianka (01:10:52): Yeah.

Raquel (01:10:53): Yeah.

Lazetta (01:10:54): It feels good. Tony Tony, Tony.

Raquel (01:11:03): So Rianka and Lazetta, we've talked about how it started, where it is now. Talk to me a little bit about where 2050 Wealth Partners is going in 2021. What are some, wins or some plans, or just, where is 2050 Wealth Partners on the journey right now? And where is it going?

Rianka (01:11:28): I can share that we are growing, from an external standpoint, from a client standpoint, we have a phenomenal team, between you, Raquel, Danielle, Lazetta and myself. I feel like we have the capacity now to bring on clients. I feel like your training is going extremely well. You're a quick learner. I'm also mentally, finally back from maternity leave and with what life, curve balls through. Lazetta, same, and then also with Danielle, right? And so we have always built our firm around quality of service that we can give to clients, not the quantity of clients. So as Lazetta shared before, like when I came back from maternity leave, we had a waitlist, or a priority list of over 150 households who wanted to work with us. And we knew that one, we couldn't take on all of those households at once.

Rianka (01:12:46): All of those clients and families. And we knew we had to be very strategic on how we slowly brought clients on, because we never want the quality of our service to diminish because we're bringing on too many clients at once. So from a client standpoint, we are finally accepting new clients, slowly building with quality of service in mind. And when it comes internally, who knows? You cannot be duplicated, Raquel, and maybe another Raquel 2.0 may fall in our laps, who knows what God has in store, but both Lazetta and I are open.

Lazetta (01:13:34): And I also want to share part of our strategy and structure as well, too. So Raquel, we shared with you and Danielle that we meet twice a year as partners. And what we try to do is, survey the two of you and say, what do you all need and want to feel whole, right? So as we are developing and designing our firm, we want to make sure that your voices and your needs are at the center of that too. So, that includes, finances growing that salary, so that you can meet your goals. That also includes adding benefits, as well, too. So as we are balancing the quality of service, we're also balancing our growth strategically so that our internal needs, wants, desires are being met as well, too. And that if we are all on the same page and feel confident that as new members come in, they can feel that same hospitality and that sense of abundance, because so often in the workplace, there is this feeling of scarcity that only some people get to have certain things.

Lazetta (01:14:52): And others do not as a part of what you said in terms of us trying to be inclusive. We're also being intentionally inclusive, as well too. So that is certainly always on our mind, getting that feedback, implementing that feedback, growing together, expanding this opportunity. And along with that is being true to who we are. So one another thing that's extremely exciting is that we're going deeper in our business client service as well too, because we're business owners, we're entrepreneurs. And we love this space as well as being W2 employees. We've had that experience as well, too. So it's beautiful that we can take deeper dives with our existing clients to help them leverage their own gifts, and monetize it, and being good stewards of that as well, too. So the world literally is our oyster. We have, I believe turned the financial services, financial planning profession upside down, by saying that anchoring in financial planning, providing this access, being ahead of the curve with a virtual firm where we didn't have to worry about pivoting, our clients don't have Zoom fatigue because they say there's Zoom energy for us because they love, meeting with us. And so we want to build and share this wealth, so that all of us, even as employees of the firm, and those we serve, or are living the life and legacy we deserve.

Raquel (01:16:32): Yeah. I definitely, would say that you have, you guys are true to the trailblazers name. You're definitely doing things that are very different. You're creating your own lane and you're making a way for the next generation like me who, we're not going to put up with people discounting our voices, people who don't see us, who undervalue us in our firms, we are past that. And we are going to look for firms that are inclusive and that are doing these innovative things and that are taking us seriously and hearing our voices. And so I think, the fact that you both were advocating for these things separately and now have come together as a partnership, it's a force to be reckoned with. So thank you for sharing this backstory.

Raquel (01:17:29): And in 2050 TrailBlazers fashion, before I let you go. Is there anything that you want to leave us with?

Raquel (01:17:42): I've listened to enough episodes where it's like... Before I let you go, is there anything else you want to leave us with?

Rianka (01:17:49): You got jokes, Raquel.

Rianka (01:17:54): I would just like to say, for the listeners listening to this episode, even though again, like Raquel has been with us for almost four months, by the time you listen to this episode, it would be probably, four months and she's already family and this banter back and forth that you hear. It's like, it's real, it's we know each other, not only from a professional standpoint, but also personally as well. And I feel like that's why we are so comfortable and not afraid to bring our true self to work. I'm so proud of what we're building and I, and I hope the listeners can see what an amazing partnership can look like and what a power in partnership. And there are going to be times where you feel scared. There's going to be times...think of it from a financial planner perspective, right. And clients coming us in order for clients to work with us. They have to financially undress in front of us and think about what comes with that - guilt, shame, looking in the mirror and seeing things that you could hide by yourself, but don't necessarily want to see or have someone else see. Right. Cause it's just like, I can do good all by myself. Right. But,

Rianka (01:19:28): Becoming or entering into a partnership, that's the type of vulnerability that you have to have if you're going to build something to last, and last for a long time. And so I am grateful for Lazetta. And I would need a whole day to explain why my gratitude is always extended to Lazetta and the grace that she has given me over our friendship and especially over the past couple of years. And so I just want to say thank you for, agreeing, marry me in this business.

Lazetta (01:20:10): And thank you for proposing to me and waiting for me. It was a beautiful wedding. Happy anniversary, dear.

Rianka (01:20:19): Happy anniversary! And Raquel has said, thank you for adopting me.

Lazetta (01:20:36): And this is another episode about being caught in the middle as work children. So that goes up with later, between Raquel and Danielle, getting caught between the two parents, partners.

Rianka (01:20:50): Right, oh yeah. Well Rianka said, well Lazetta said. I'm like, all right, let's have a team meeting,

Lazetta (01:20:57): Huddle time, family huddle time.

Rianka (01:20:59): Family huddle. So Lazetta, did you, did you want to share anything before I let you two go.

Lazetta (01:21:05): I'm going to loop back around and say, thank you for creating this space. This is such an important space. And this space being 2050 TrailBlazers, for these conversations, the opportunity to share, to grow and be stretched as well too. So I am grateful that time and time, again, you invite me to be a part of this conversation. So excited that Raquel has benefited in so many ways by being a listener and it has led her to us, which is such a gift as well too. So thank you, Rianka for being a trailblazer.

Rianka (01:21:42): Well, thank you. Raquel, before I let you go, is there anything else you want to share with the listeners?

Raquel (01:21:50): Well, yes. I definitely have to say thank you to both you and Lazetta for just caring so much about my story and how it ends and how it goes. And I think, it's comforting to know that the people that you work for, not only care about how you perform for, of course the business, but how you do in your own personal life and your own personal career. And it just goes back to the family aspect. I feel like things are so natural. They're not forced. You don't feel any pressure to hide if you're having a bad day or if something's going on, you can really just be who you are. And I'm just grateful to have two mentors that are just very dedicated to making sure my career goes differently. And whether it's now or in the future, you guys have made it clear, you will always care about me. And so I have to say, thank you for that.

Rianka (01:22:58): I can't think of a better way to end it. So Lazetta, Raquel, thank you so much. And Danielle, she's not here on the episode, but she is definitely a big part of our 2050 Wealth Partners family. And so, between Danielle, Lazetta, Raquel, we are closing out this episode, as we kickoff the Black History Month History Maker Series of saying thank you for listening. And we hope that you have a few takeaways or a few tidbits of advice. As you think about your journey in the power of partnership.